- The “CiMET Workshops" are yearly events hosting the discussion of papers, ongoing researches, and real-world policy initiatives revolving around the main themes characterizing CiMET community: the process of structural change of the economy and society and its dynamics; internationalization of enterprises and territories; paths of local development; industrial policies; policy supporting innovation, research and knowledge creation and circulation; governments policies aimed at promoting economic and social development.
- Italy and the industrialized economies more broadly are the main focus of the initiative, although great attention is devoted to researches exploring the dynamics occurring in the emerging and developing economies as well.
The distinctive features of the initiative are the thematic specialization of the research presented and the interdisciplinary nature of the debate, through which we wish to contribute to the analysis of real-world dynamics, paying particular attention to policy implications. Active participation of young researchers is strongly encouraged, as it is the dialogue between different generations of scholars. The workshop environment is informal while cordial to promote an open and respectful debate.

XXI Workshop CiMET | 18th - 20th September 2024
Giornate di Lavori dedicate all’analisi delle traiettorie di trasformazione strutturale nell’industria, l’economia e la società
University of Enna Kore - ENNA

XX Workshop CiMET | 10 July 2023
Energy transition, structural transformations and industrial policies.
The Italian Case.
XIX Workshop CiMET | 6 September 2022
Economics and war politics.
New international scenarios: what impact on our country
Distretto Navile – University of Bologna
XVIII Workshop CiMET | 13 - 15 July 2021
- On the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.
Theoretical foundations, objectives and implementation
Villa San Leonardo al Palco
XVII Workshop CiMET | 09 - 10 September 2020
- Industries, governments and markets at the time of Coronavirus.
Structural transformations, resiliences, economic and social fragilities
Villa San Leonardo al Palco
XVI Workshop CiMET | 12 -14 June 2019
- A new world.
Economic changes, social transformations and development policies - University of Naples Parthenope
XV Workshop CiMET | 7 - 8 June 2018
- Economy and policies for industrial and societal development.
Applied economic analysis at the local, national and international level - PIN – Polo Universitario della Città di Prato

XIV Workshop CiMET | 8 - 9 June 2017
- Policies for industrial, economic and societal change
- University of Ferrara

XIII Workshop CiMET | 15 -16 June 2016
- Economic research and policies.
- Studies, analysis and projects for economic and social development
- University of Naples “L’Orientale"

XII Workshop CiMET | 10 -11 -12 June 2015
- International industry and territorial investments
- Ca’ Foscari University

XI Workshop CiMET | 24 - 25 -26 June 2014
- Local innovation and global industrial development
- Università Politecnica delle Marche

X Workshop CiMET | 18 -19 July 2013
- Territorial governance.
Sustainable industrial development, policies for innovation and internationalization - University of Florence

IX Workshop CiMET | 7 - 8 - 9 June 2012
- Leverages for the competitiveness of the Italian industrial system.
Intangibles, innovation and internationalization - Università Politecnica delle Marche

VIII Workshop CiMET | 4 -5 April 2011
- Local and global.
Industrial policies, firms strategies and local development policies - Venice International School

VII Workshop CiMET | 16 - 17 December 2010
- Regional policies for research and innovation and challenges from emerging countries
- Università Politecnica delle Marche

VI Workshop CiMET | 26 - 27 February 2010
- The challenges from Asian industrial development and our local development
- University of Naples “L’Orientale"

V Workshop CiMET | 6 - 7 February 2009
- Research perspectives on contemporary industry.
Local networks, global and government intervention. - University of Salerno

IV Workshop CiMET | 6 June 2008
- Regional innovation and internationalization processes
- University of Florence

III Workshop CiMET | 26 July 2007
- Firms and research between local systems and internationalization
- Università Politecnica delle Marche

II Workshop CiMET | 20 - 21 December 2006
- Research streams on Chinese industry
- University of Ferrara

I Workshop CiMET | 27 - 28 July 2006
- Comparing Chinese and Italian industry.
Research perspectives and agenda - University of Ferrara